Canton Tower Final Project
Project overview
The purpose of this final project is to using dynamo to control the material of the interior curtain panel. At the same time, the pattern of the colorful curtain panel will be controlled by the pattern in Excel. The building mass used in this final project is the same building mass in the project 1.
In this following picture, the pattern of the colorful curtain panel could be clear seen.
Use Dynamo in Revit
This image shows the whole Dynamo program.
This part of the Dynamo program shows the input process of divided surface in Reviit. By using the node of Select Divided surface families, the elements in Revit will be listed in Dynamo. By using the nodes of List Reverse and Flatten, the list of the elements will be fitted for the Excel.
This part of the Dynamo program shows the input process of the material. In this project, four different material will be implemented which are Glass, Glass 1, Glass 2 and Glass 3. The material in Revit will be transferred into the list of material in Dynamo.
The material of the curtain panel will be set up in the Materials in Management Tab.
This part of the dynamo program shows the input of the Excel pattern. The format of the Excel is .CSV.
This following picture shows the pattern in Excel. The size of the number pattern in Excel is 10 X 10 which is same to the surface U and V which is 10 X 10. In this image, 0 represent Glass, 1 represent Glass 1, 2 represents Glass 2 and 3 represents Glass 3.
This image shows the Python Script in Dynamo
The material of the curtain panel will be control by this node which is Element_set-parameter byName.
By using the process above, the material and the pattern of the curtain panel could be controlled by Dynamo.